How do you ready your mind for school?

You've been on a long break and there has been time away from studies. You seem into have had a lot of fun, visiting new places, travelling, meeting new friends, hanging out, having all the quiet time you want away from the rush of school environment, having some time through spend with family. There are so much you have achieved with all that time.

Experiences you had during the holiday

The new academic session has officially started, with the continuation dates being posted on student's news platform.

Your thoughts are;

  • How am i going to pay my Tuition?
  • How do i get a conducive accommodation space?
  • How do I make extra money during this session?
  • How do I manage my course registrations?

Payments Have Been Made.

The basic payments has been made, tuition paid, registrations done, nice accommodation has been gotten and paid for. Now, you're ready to head back to school.

How Do You Prepare Academically?

Course Titles And Codes Have Been Listed

A number of courses are fixed to suit your study. These courses are mostly new to you until you say been introduced to it. Every direction has an objective or objectives, they are drawn to drill your abilities in troubleshooting, problem solving by building your assimilation of the theories and operational ethics in all course.
Now, with this information, you got to begin doing something. glance at them entirely, and study them calculatedly  to achieve all you are required to understand at the end of each course. Do the following:
  • Make a good personal time table, fixing up courses and maximizing your time, remember this time table can be adjusted to fit with lecture times.
  • Get a library card, there are several libraries, visit ones that are well equipped for your personal research.
  • Be sure to attend all lectures most especially "introductory and closure lectures".
  • Make personal note, these are reviewed notes by you. They are more comprehensive and easy to assimilate during revisions than text books.
  • Form groups that read together or have discussion sessions for better course understanding. Also compare your assignments and projects with theirs.

How To Form Studying Habits

Students mostly find it exhausting to read and study school work. This is mostly because there isn't that interest built on studying.

What Are HABITS?

Definition of Habit: An action done on a regular basis.
Habits are simple yet complicated. They are addictions when they are having negative impacts in our lives. It's not just a circle of things you like to do or find yourself doing repeatedly. There are many habits you can't say that you like.
Therefore understanding your habits will help you optimize them and also form new habits.

What Are CUES?

Definition of Cue: An action or event that is a signal for somebody to do something.
They are series of things that signal us into the course of habit. They are the beginning of all habits.


Definition of Routine: A course of action to be followed regularly; a standard procedure.
They are chains of actions taken regularly to achieve a given result.


Definition of Reward: Something of value given in return for an act.
They are the results gotten from several actions taken.
With major understanding of how habits are formed, forming a habit of studying will include:
  • Discovering your most conducive reading hours outside lecture hours.
  • Making timetables into your best study hours.
  • Keeping your mind refreshed on every objectives you need to achieve(by keeping "to do lists")
  • Keeping your blood stream oxygenated and with good quantity of glucose(because the brain needs energy to function)
  • Look for a good quiet place, where you can hear yourself.
  • Keep audio records of definitions and theories you want to memorise
  • Try reading upside down to enhance how long you can retain the information being absorbed.
  • Choose reading articles with good fonts and clear texts.
  • Dwell on articles and materials provided by course coordinators.
  • Keep yourself busy and occupied reading related materials
  • Exercise your your memory and understanding by teaching a younger person.
  • Discuss and argue with your colleagues who are better at the course than you.
All of these will definitely keep your mind wrapped around what you're studying.
