9 Tips On How To Lose Weight During Holidays Without Working Out.

Even exercise is not an effective way to drop weight, and may even add to weight gain through new muscle mass or a revved-up appetite.

1. Be active with those around you( family and friends)

Activities that tend to be sedentary such as sitting on a couch watching sports, are common holiday traditions for families.
Being inactive results to excessive weight gain especially when lounging around is accompanied with eating excessive amounts of food.
Making most activities with family and friends active helps you control your weight and at the same time increase the bond with loved ones.

2. Snack smartly

With holidays comes a lot of treats which includes unhealthy snacks like cookies and other goodies.
Keeping these treats out of sight will be difficult. But, being mindful of your snacking habits will help overcome these situations.
However, when you're hungry and need to snack, opt for real foods fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. They are filling snacks that do not contain added sugars or unhealthy fats that lead to weight gain.

3. Watch your meal portion sizes

It can be easy to have more portion sizes when holidays arrive.
If you eat larger portions you tend to gain weight more easily than those who don't.
To overcome this, you need to weigh and measure your food, and eat off smaller plates. Check recipes and food labels to know recommended sizes.

4. Practice mindful eating 

Those who eat while they are distracted tend to overeat. So, don't multi task.
To avoid overeating, eat mindfully without distractions, including work and electronics.
Another way, eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.

5.Get enough sleep

During holidays, sleep deprivation is common and it may cause weight gain.
This is because those who do not get enough sleep tend to be hungrier, consume more calories and get less physical activity.
Reason behind this is that sleep restriction may spike hunger hormone levels, leading to high calorie intake.
Also, inadequate sleep has been linked to lower metabolism.

6. Balance meals with Protein

Meals during holidays are carbs rich but lack proteins.
It is important however, to add protein with every meal, as it gives feeling of fullness and maybe useful for weight maintenance.
In fact, eating protein with meals may automatically reduce calorie intake by reducing hunger and appetite.
Protein is also crucial for weight control because it increases your metabolism and levels of appetite-reducing hormones.

7. Look out for Fibre.

Fibre is another important nutrient that induces fullness.
Studies have shown that increased dietary fibre can reduce total calorie intake, which is a method to prevent weight gain during holidays.

8. Limit intake of liquid calories

These come in form of alcohol, soda, sweetened beverages which seem unlimited during holidays.
These beverages contain a lot of sugars and add excess calories to your diet, which cause weight gain.
Also, alcohol consumption is often linked to increased appetite and is a risk factor for weight gain.

9. Weigh yourself regularly

Stepping on a scale regularly during the holidays may help prevent weight gain by making you conscious of gaining.
Some studies show, individuals who weigh them selves regularly are able to maintain weight or lose weight better than those who do not weigh themselves.

The best advice, of course, is to try to avoid holiday weight gain in the first place. “The less one gains, the less one then has to worry about trying to lose it”.
