9 Benefits of weight lifting

Weight Training
This is a system of conditioning involving lifting weights especially for strength and endurance. 

Benefits of weight training

You  not want to do weight training because you think it would make you look too bulky. Or you feel weight training only builds muscle mass. Well, there's more to weight training than you thought. 

Here are reasons you should include weight training in your workout routine/schedule:

The Progress Is Very Noticeable

Doing weight training can be so progressive so much so, that weights you started with become easier to lift and the weights you thought were so heavy become easy. It really gives a sense of achievement and confidence to finish each set.

Helps You Sleep Well

Regular strength exercisers report better sleep especially those who push limits to reach their workout goals. Compared with people that do not exercise, the number of times strength exercisers wake up in the middle of the night is minimal.

Builds And Protects The Bones

Weight bearing exercises and strength training exercises has been found to increase bone density especially with proper diet. Increasing bone density reduces bone fractures and breakages in older people.

It Improves Your Balance

Research suggests that resistance exercises and routines would reduce the rate at which older persons fall by almost 30%. Without doubt the most common cause of bone breakage as we age is falling.

Burns More Calories

Weight training builds muscle mass and at the same time burn calories by converting these fats to muscle mass. Simply having more muscle on your frame helps burn calories, even if you just seated still.

Helps Your Heart

Cardio is not the only exercise that has cardiovascular benefits. Strength and resistance training routines has shown to lower blood pressure almost as effectively as taking medication.

It Doesn't Consume A Lot Of Time

Adding strength training to your workout routine wouldn't take up all of your free time in the day. Weight lifting isn't a training where more of it is better. Around 30-60 minutes a week will be good.

You Look Better In Skinny Jeans And Fitting Tops

Weight training for just looks wouldn't be advisable. There are so many other benefits. Building muscle with strength training may help you lose fat more efficiently than doing Cardio.

Improves Athletic Performances

Strength training cultivates stronger and more powerful muscles for better performance in swimming longer, running faster, and biking harder. Strenght training also helps prevent injuries in several athletic pursuits by helping to correct muscle imbalances that ruin your formation.
