We know that exercising is good for our health. But did you know that working out could also help you have better sex? “Exercising 3 to 4 times every week can do a lot to help your sexual technique, flexibility, and endurance,” I discovered this in several researches and experiences shared. You would ask, “What types of exercise are best for better sex?”

Below are some exercises that will help you attain better sex:

  • SEXERCISE 1; Weight Lifting

Weight lifting makes the human body produce a hormone called testosterone, known as a steroid hormone produced primarily in the testes of males responsible the development of secondary sex characteristics in males. Short intense exercises like weight lifting have been found to increase testosterone levels. These intense exercises may include push-ups, sit-ups, crunches and planks. They strengthen the upper body, thereby increasing stamina during sex.

  • SEXERCISE 2; Swimming

This cardiovascular exercise gives your heart a great workout at the same time keeps sweat off and maintains cool body temperature, allowing a longer workout session. Since sex is an act of endurance, swimming long distances can keep you with a lot of energy in bed. Swimming helps actively burn fat and loose body weight which would lead to better sexual performance. To increase sexual endurance, I would recommend swimming at least 30 minutes, 3 times in a week. It is obvious that a leaner and built frame would be more attractive to potential partners.
  • SEXERCISE 3; Jogging, Running and Brisk Walking

These are aerobic exercises. They help burn a lot of calories daily depending on distances covered. By keeping the heart rate up, it keeps the blood vessels clear. This results to lowering the risks of erectile dysfunction (ED) and helps attain stronger and longer erections. These vigorous exercises also release hormones that help relax the body known as endorphins which can in turn improve sexual performance.
  • SEXERCISE 4; Yoga

Yoga targets major pointers for better sex. It is a great way to work on your flexibility and strength. Yoga poses work on your body by stretching your muscles. It helps you move better, feel less stiff, helps get better posture, and improves breathing with specific breathing techniques to help relax the body.

  • SEXERCISE 5; Kegel

This exercise helps make the muscles of the pelvic floor stronger. The pelvis is the area between your hips that holds your reproductive organs. Pelvic floor consists of series of muscles that form a sling at the bottom of the pelvis which holds the organs in place.
Several factors can weaken the pelvic floor like; pregnancy and child birth in women, aging, and weight gain.


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