Beginners Swimming Workouts; Burn Total Body Fat In The Pool

Swim Fat Away

When you think of slimming down and looking fit and healthy , the first place definitely would not be a pool. There are not any workout routines that burn calories, boost metabolism and make every muscle in your body firm without stressing your joints better than swimming routine exercises.
It is found that swimmers of all ages happen to have more leaner muscles, better looking waists and hips than non-swimmers.
All you require to swim are these key items; swimsuits, cap and goggle.

Why workout in water?

Water is said to be nearly 800 times denser than air. Therefore, each kick, push, and pull has a mini resistance workout for your entire body. These mini resistance workout especially your core, hips, arms, shoulders, and gluteus. Which in addition to burning calories while swimming will build lean muscles,that ignites your metabolism so that you burn more calories even after you have showered and dried your body.

Swimming easily will burn around 500 calories per hour, while swimming with vigorous effort can burn almost 700 calories.
Water simply neutralizes gravity, so you become almost weightless when you are immersed, without stressing your joints like other workout would. You can swim almost every day without risking injury, because of these perks.

Starting a good swimming routine

Often times, newbies jump into the pool with high expectations. They plan to swim for 3-60mins but run out of breath in 5mins completely exhausted.
This is obviously because swimming workouts demands heavily of your cardiovascular system and the muscles of your body works differently in water compared to land. Also, your lungs will need to adopt the new way of breathing(can not inhale and exhale anytime you want as your head will be under water most times) and unlike other workouts, your body will have to work as a team to keep your body afloat and moving.

To attain an effective Swimming routine, you will need to split it into different short segments, mixing it up with various work, rest intervals and and adopting different strokes, drills and intensities. This makes it not only interesting but also a better workout. You do not need to worry about time being wasted while resting because swimming is not like walking which your heart rate quickly drops. It would rather stay for at least 30 seconds after some laps.

Starter workout you should try

With easy effort, swim four lengths of the pool. You can catch your breath at the walls in between the lengths of the pool if need be. Take rest for 20-30seconds. Repeat 5-10times.
You can try same routine 2-3 times for week 1 and 2. Make use of a kickboard for the first four lengths if you haven't swam a while. This workout will help you get used to swimming without having to coordinate your arms and legs.

Various swimming strokes

The Freestyle

Also known as front crawl is often preferred by most seasoned swimmers. The legs flutter kicks while the arms move in alternating manner with an above water recovery. The freestyle is fast and efficient which is why it is used in freestyle competitions.

The Breaststroke

This is the most popular swim stroke. In front of the swimmer,half circular arm movements are executed by both arms. The legs execute whip kicks simultaneously as the arm recovery occurs under water. This is taught to beginners because you can keep your head above water and avoid breathing and orientation issues. But more experienced swimmers would submerge their heads to improve efficiency. Breaststroke however is slowest of competitive strokes.

The Butterfly stroke

This is a unique and spectacular technique. It is of a symmetrical arm stroke with above water recovery. It uses a wave like body undulations and a dolphin kick.
This is the second fastest swim stroke after the freestyle. It is difficult to learn and it's quickly exhausting.

The Backstroke

This is swum on the back just like the name implies. It makes use of circular arm movements and an above water recovery. Similar to the freestyle, the legs flutter kick. The backstroke is faster than the breaststroke but slower than the butterfly stroke. The backstroke is great workout for people with back problems.

The Sidestroke

This is an old swim stroke that is swum on the side. It  uses scissor kicks and assymetrical under water arm movements. It is easy to learn and a good alternative to popular swim strokes. It is used by lifeguards to rescue victims.

Conclusion; Being able to make a plan and going all the way to achieve all that has been embedded in your swim workout will help you shred total body fat and also help your muscles regain flexibility. Also, remember to swim with a coach or an expert around. 
