How To Burn Visceral Fat

In general knowledge, we know that having a large belly(excess abdominal fat) may be very unhealthy and result to various diseases.  Plenty of the fat within stomach area lies directly under the skin.  They are called subcutaneous fat and are not very hazardous to your health.  The fat that are dangerous unseen fat found around your organs, which are known are visceral abdominal fat.  You may have visceral fat and you are not obese yet.

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Dangers Of Visceral Fat 

This very unhealthy fat collects around the waistline. It is an age maker and energy diminisher. It brings damages on the liver and has been connected to an amassment of health problems including; heart diseases, diabetes, some kinds of cancer, and clusters of risk factors called metabolic syndrome, that increases the chance of enrooting  these diseases. You should come to understand that the more visceral fat you retain, the lower the amount of energy your body can actualize.

A Predicament Not Only For Obese.

This visceral fat is not a predicament  for only the overweight or obese people. You can as well be thin and still have visceral fat if you are not fit. Since visceral fat is the most threatening kind of fat, doctors have become more concerned with waist size than the number on the weight scale, which has proven to be very deceiving. Whilst abdominal fat is usually visible, visceral fat may be concealed deep inside a person apparently thin. In similar situation for fat that can line blood vessels, restrict blood flow, and damage the cardiovascular system.

How To Get Rid Of Visceral Fat

Lifestyle changes including diet and exercise will help promote usage of visceral fat and lower your risk factors for developing heart disease.

Diets That Helps Rid Of Visceral Fat


Dieters that consumed five servings of dairy on a daily basis had lost more weight and abdominal fat than those that were eating just three servings of dairy a day. Researchers once made subjects to consume low-fat milk, cottage cheese and yogurt, it yielded results in 12 weeks.


Diets with high protein content, when equated to a standard protein diet, followed for the short term incomparably reduces weight and abdominal fat. In a study, high protein diet improved total cholesterol levels, decreased body weight and reduced abdominal fat. You have to choose proteins that are low in saturated fat, like white-meat poultry, bison, fish and egg whites to cut down on calories.

Exercises that will help burn visceral fat

Strength training.

Resistance training (weight lifting) is an important part of your exercise routine. It's recommended that you include one to two days of strength training in each week of your workout.
Strength training consists of exercises like;p weight lifting, pilates and isometric exercises like push-ups or crunches
Spot training, that is trying to reduce fat in a specific areas does not rid the body of visceral fat. In order to lose visceral fat, diet and cardio are key. Nonetheless, the more muscle you build with strength training, the more calories you will burn.

Cardio Exercise

Any exercise that raises your heart rate is helpful in getting rid of visceral fat. Without doubt our bodies were made to move. And we all know is that to keep our muscles in shape we need move them. This movement makes them stronger for a more efficient and healthy body.

Examples of cardio;

  • Walking (Burns 300-400 Calories per hour).
  • Running (Burns around 600 Calories per hour).
  • Cycling (Burns around 600 Calories per hour).
  • Rowing( Burns around 840 Calories per hour.
  • Swimming(Burns around 600 Calories per hour).
  • Jumping rope(Burns around 1000 calories per hour)
