How To Burn Off The Belly Fat

Long periods of inactivity and a fat saturated diet and increased sugar intake lead to visceral fat storage, that fat in your midsection that surrounds your internal organs. From the fat cells, some of the fat in that area can get into main veins that supply and deliver blood to your liver and then end up in your bloodstream raising your cholesterol levels. So apart from being unappealing to look at, it can also cause a series of health problems like increased blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance which then ends up as type 2 diabetes. Therefore belly fat is not good to look at nor good for your health on the inside.

The fat accumulated in the belly area is often the last one to go because its storage is a kind of safety feature. The body detects it as a reserve kept to ensure your survival for tough times and when food is scarce. The subcutaneous fat that you carry under your skin that leads to cellulite in women and thighs that are saggy in men, is a lot easier to get rid of as it is part of our primary fat stores but, visceral fat is reserved for dire situations and is only made use of when there is nothing else left to burn.

Your body tries to plan ahead when you are in your prime and saves up extra resources for rainy days, less successful at hunting, for when you are not as agile and are unable to feed yourself regularly.
As you get older, you reserve more visceral fat instead of the subcutaneous type of fat gaining a belly that only grows bigger as you age.

You can not target any of these reserves specifically, you can not pick where you are going to lose fat from. You can not target it with exercise or dieting, your body always lose overall body fat and only when they are done shedding it everywhere else will they access the fat they have reserved in problem areas like our bellies.

Exercise For Belly Fat Burn

Since you can not target your belly in specific, there is no number of crunches or other abdominal exercises that will help you burn reserves there faster. The amount of muscle you put on in a specific part of the body does not matter, you burn body fat in an overall way.

This means that in order to get rid of  belly fat, you have to do exactly the same training you would do if you wanted to lose weight in general, once you have burnt out other extra fat reserves you will begin to burn visceral fat in your mid-section and every other fat accumulated area you have.

The best way to burn into those stubborn fat reserves is by combining cardio, high burn and HIIT workouts. Effective combination of each, longer burn and/or higher intensity will force your body to burn the fat and trade it for quality muscle instead.

The Bulged Belly

Exercising  helps you burn fat all over your body, at the same time it builds muscle in a particular area, depending on the exercise you were engaged in. When you ignore cardio and concentrate on the abdominal exercises exclusively instead of burning the fat you need to burn you will end up with a bulged belly. What happens is that you gain muscle and still have excess fat reserves in your mid-section the muscle tightens up and push the fat pockets out visually making it look even worse than it was previously. The amount of energy abdominal exercises use up is not sufficient to make a better impact.

That is the reason it is recommended that you concentrate on cardio instead of abdominal exercises in general. You can still do abdominal exercises especially if your goal is having strong abdominal wall or a six pack but, avoid turning it to be the center of your training, cardio should be your focus. Staying active throughout the day and cardio will help you burn more (the more you move the more you burn).
Also Read: Beginners Swimming Workouts; Burn Total Body Fat In The Pool

Slow And Steady For Better Results

Cultivating an active lifestyle and reducing intake of  high sugar high saturated fat foods will eventually lead to a flat, ripped and healthy belly. If you force your body to burn fat faster than it’s comfortable with, it will not have time to adjust (the skin cells will not adapt to the change and you’ll have a hanging sack for a belly which cannot be fixed unless with surgery.

Losing weight fast is only temporary. The best way to attain permanent results is to introduce conditions, then maintain them for the rest of your life.

Actions To Be Taken

Engage in cardio and high burn workouts but be sure you switch things up. Your body would adapt to any single type of training and optimise for the minimum energy expenditure. The trick here is to keep your workout system fresh: do HIIT (high intensity interval training), sprints, jogging , body weight circuits and strength training. The more you confuse your body, the better the reward you’ll get. Adjust to regular daily exercise and make it your goal to complete at least one routine each day even if it were just a few sets.

Reduce Portion Sizes Of Meals

The simplest way is to make a few adjustments to the quality of food and reduce portion sizes. Even eating food high in carbohydrates like rice and pasta in small amounts will lead to fat loss in the long run. These meals can always be spiced up with protein and mineral filled foods like eggs or vegetables like carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, peas and green beans. Avoid sugar rich ketchups and butter based sauces and watch your belly fat dissolve.

Take sufficient breaks and  time off from stressful activities. Stress may be the source of all the problems. We tend eat more when we are stressed for comfort and we can not process the food we eat properly either. The simplest way to deal with stress is to take breaks and get away from a problematic or stressful situation for some minutes. Play a quick game on your mobile or browse a websites for an instant mood boost like Imgur, switch to a different activities or better still do micro workouts like; push ups, jumping jacks, crunches, planks, lunges, and burpees. It takes about a few minutes to be relieved of stress and then feel better and function better for the rest of the day.

It takes patience and regular workout to get rid of belly fat, better choices of meals on a daily basis and keeping cool at all times. It takes more work, because, there are no shortcuts that will give you permanent results.


  1. Thanks to sharing that motivational post with us. Here Non Surgical Fat Removal From Stomach treatment is also a good treatment to reduce body fat from a specific part of body.


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